Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Time with the Fam

Henry's arrival was timed perfectly so that I had a ton of time off between school and having a real job. Jill, of course, took an extended leave from work so we have had more time together than we have had in the past few years. Jill and I haven't done much else but hang out together and take care of Henry. Instead of summer photos of hiking and camping, here are some photos of what life has consisted of for us in the summer of 2008. -Chris

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More Handsome Henry

Its amazing how much he changes everyday. These are from when he was barely home as well. He had his first official photo shoot with his Grandpa Mike, the Digi-Photo Man, a few days ago. Those images will be posted soon.


Sunday, August 17, 2008


The day we have been looking forward to for the last two and a half years has finally come. The infamous date 08/08/08 was not only the opening ceremony of the Olympics but also Chris's graduation and my due date. Henry must have known it was a big day and timed his arrival just right, five days previously. We were so excited to be there as a family and so proud of Chris for all he had accomplished. It was an emotional day for me, not only because of the extra surge of hormones I was experiencing, but also because I was intimately aware of every sleepless night, the many moments of personal sacrifice and the incredible amount of hard-work and dedication that it represented. Way to go Chris, we are so proud of you!

Henry in his "My Pap Graduated from UPAP, 08/08/08" shirt. UPAP is the Utah Physician Assistant Program.

Our new little family at graduation at Rice Eccles Stadium.

Terry (Chris's Mom), Henry, and Chris.

Chris and his classmate, Amanda, receiving the Community Service Award which was given "for significant contributions to the betterment of the community through service learning projects". Both Chris and Amanda did the bulk of their rotations at the Community Health Center and have accepted postions there as well.

Chris was asked to say a few words after he received his award. He thanked Dave Keahey, his Clinical Associate, who has taken care of underprivileged patients at the Community Health Centers for overs 20 years. He also thanked his precepting physician, Dr. Carlos Guerra, who was Chris's preceptor for nearly 5 months at Central City CHC.

The Proud Papa thanking those who supported him through school just after he received his diploma. Henry definitely stole the show as Chris took this opportunity to introduce him to his classmates and friends.

Four Generations of Hyer men, from left to right: Paul Hyer "The Grandad", Henry, Chris, Scott (Chris's Dad)

Some of the Hyer clan at graduation, from left to right:
Abel (Molly's husband), Molly(Chris's sister, Marissa (Chris's sisters), Henry, Chris, Terry (Chris's Mom), and me.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Henry's Home!!

I am definitely a little behind in documenting every waking and sleeping hour of Henry's short life so far. I am still warming up to this blog thing, so bare with me. I probably won't be writing much on this blog so don't be holding out for any heart felt, tug at your heart strings journaling from me, at least for now.

Without further ado, here are some requested photos of bringing Henry home (one of the most fun things I have ever done).


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

More photos of Henry

Introducing Henry Christian Hyer

Here he is!!! Henry Christian Hyer was born on Sunday, August 3rd, at 1:57pm. He weighed 8 lbs and was 21 inches long and came with a head full of dark brown hair. Jill was amazing, as always, and is doing very well. I will post more photos below.