Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy Easter

A glimpse of our fun-filled weekend...
Henry got his crayons out and went to work designing some very unique eggs this year. He could not get enough of it! He was completely beside himself when one of his eggs was cracked and peeled to be eaten. Too bad we can't save them forever.

Kite Flying at Grandma Terry's Easter Party...

Even Nolan got in on the action...

Henry and his cousins checking out their candy-filled eggs.
Easter Morning...
Henry got busy finding the eggs...
Nolan got busy finding the balls...
Trying to sneak in a few more photos that afternoon...
In spite of Henry's valiant efforts, Nolan just kept getting away...
Grandma and Grandpa Sullivan's Easter party...
Nolan ignored the eggs once again, heading straight for the ball...

Nolan even managed to fit in a little golf...

Hope your Easter weekend was a good one too.