Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Easter

Henry woke up Easter morning to find a mysterious trail of jellybeans. It took a lot of coaxing to turn his attention away from the jellybeans and onto the scavenger hunt which lead him to find...

the Easter baskets!All of this excitement and candy and we still made it to nine o'clock church in time for me to say the opening prayer. Here are more than a few shots of the boys in their Easter Sunday best.
Same photo for the most part, just a little more hair.

And just for good measure, another shot of the hair.

After a long nap and a little cooking, we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Sullivan's house to meet up with this handsome bunch. It would appear that Grandma does the shopping, cool shades to boot. But where is boy cousin number 5 you ask?
Oh yes, baby Nolan was sporting some shades too.
And then, the moment everyone had waited for....the Easter egg hunt finale. Color coded no doubt.

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

wendyberd said...

how cute! your boys are so darling - they grow so fast!!!!