Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Much Needed Get-away

Chris had a PA conference in Mesquite last week and Henry and I went along for the ride. We stayed in St. George at Grandma Joyce's condo and were able to enjoy the warm weather. The highlight of the trip was that Henry was able to try out his new swim suit and flotation apparatus. He enjoyed this swimming pool encounter except that it was just a little too chilly. His insatiable thirst kept him distractd from the cold however as he tried with all his might to drink the water. We knew it was time to go when he was successful in this task and choked on a nice big gulp of chlorinated water. The good news is that we have all of summer ahead of us to try out this swimming thing again.

I must also mention that Amy and Mitch were able to join us and thank goodness for that because they introduced us to the finest burger joint I have ever experienced, In n Out Burger.


Don, jaymie, 4 cute kids said...

where did you go? Looks like Henry liked the pool. Jake didnt notice he was in a huge body of water, didnt even care, when we were in St. George. SO I put him in the stroller with a cracker.

Jen said...

CUTE pictures! I'm so sad I missed you!